In keeping with this being National Sewing Month, I checked out a book on quilting from the library. It is Liberated Quiltmaking by Gwen Marston. I can not put it down!!! I have been all excited and smiley from the first and the more I read the better it gets. I can hardly control myself, I am so excited!!!! This is such a perfect match for me!!! This is such a dream come true and exactly what I have been searching for!!!! This book just tells you to step away from the templates and squared corners and go with the flow!!! What a great idea!!!! If you do any kind of quilting you have got to read this book, even if you don't you have got to at least look at the pictures of her quilts. I love them they are so great!!! I love the concept behind them and I can't wait to try it. (although I think I may already have, just unknowingly) How great is that!! I just had to share that. Thank you!